Community Association Self-Assessment Tool Below is a list of items that will help evaluate the health of your association. Answer each question yes or no. Count each yes and see the ratings for scores at the end of the list. _____The Board of Directors has clear, concise, written goals. _____The roles of each Board office and the directors is defined in writing. _____The management company’s duties is defined by written...
HOAs – A Family Business
Running Homeowner Associations Like Family Business by Richard Thompson While homeowner associations are clearly business enterprises, some feel they should be run and have the feel of healthy family…a kinder, gentler corporation. But even families have to deal with their internal issues and the outside world in order to survive and prosper. For example, homeowners that undertake remodeling must deal with bids, contracts, know how to negotiate, deal with problems...
Professional Management
What Can A Professional Property Manager Do For You? Historically, renting your home has been considered a relatively simple and low risk undertaking. However, in recent years, this apparently simple task has become progressively more complex and the risks associated with becoming a landlord far greater. While managing your rental is certainly within the abilities of most property owners, the time and effort involved in management may be greater than...